Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Dear Olivia: Toots

Dear Olivia,

This letter is about something adorable that you do on a regular basis. You cute little thing! So, you are a pretty dang good sleeper. You love sleeping on your tummy and especially curled up on somebody's chest. Usually mine because we are best friends and spend a lot of time together, which I love! However, you sometimes get a little gassy and when that happens, you wake yourself up and send me into a laughing fit. I haven't been able to catch it on film yet, but here is a pretty good example of what you are like:

It's little things like this that make me fall in love with you all over again. One thing though, your toots are more like an adult and anything but lady like. I can't imagine where you got those from *cough* Grandma Wilcox *cough*.

Love you,

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