Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Gallon Water Challenge

I read this article about drinking one gallon of water a day to lose weight and make your body more healthy. At first I thought this will be so easy! I mean, I work at home, I'm a stay at home mom, it's perfect, right?  Wrong. It's another one of those fads that simply is not right for everyone. I agree with the fact that drinking a lot of water is good for you. I think it's 8 cups a day is the recommended amount? Also, I do know that drinking water right when you wake up is great for getting your body moving both inside and out. However, drinking that much water for me ended up in a couple unfortunate circumstances. Now, no laughing, got it?

Number one: I drank the amount of water as evenly throughout the day as possible. I'm not perfect and so I had to drink a little more towards the evening. I didn't drink right before bed and in fact I relieved myself before bed. Unfortunately, my body just didn't like the change and I had one of those terrible dreams where you are peeing in the dream and it feels just a little too real? Yeah, I woke up in a puddle. Mortifying!

Number two: since having my daughter 6 months ago my ability to "hold it in" has drastically decreased. I can't. Literally. So, as a mom of a pretty busy and fantastic baby, getting to the bathroom right when I have to go doesn't always work and I didn't make it more than once. 

The moral of my story? Ease into something like those big challenges if you are to do them at all. I have taken it down to 1/2 a gallon everyday and I feel great with no "accidents".  My 4 year old self would be so proud. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Enough with the "catch ups"

All right, I totally and completely admit to not updating this nearly as often as I need to or want to, but at the rate I'm going every post would be titled "Catching Up" and that is just sad. So, let me tell you about what happened today in the life of his full time mom:

  • John got home from work this morning and was greeted by sleepy smiles by his girls, aka Olivia and I.
  • Olivia threw up on me and was extra cuddly. She didn't cry or act sick afterwards so I'm guessing she just overate. 
  • After perusing an article about the benefits of drinking water and as I work from home both as mommy and online, there really is no excuse for me not to load up on it and hopefully improve my skin and overall health.  So far I am 4 cups away from a full gallon and I've gone to the bathroom an insane amount of times.  
  • Olivia ate, slept, ate, slept and smiled while we "snap'd" our favorite people.
  • John was sweet enough to wake up at 3:00 and let me work.
  • Olivia and I rocked dinner time and cooked together in the kitchen.
  • After John and I ate Olivia was super hungry so she  snacked on a banana and then it was cuddle time with mommy and daddy while she ate so I was in a snuggle sandwich.
  • I froze 6 meals worth of homemade chili, prepped tomorrow's salad and now I'm writing in this blog while my amazing husband and beautiful daughter sleep.
Now, this is a highlight reel of our day not a play by play but I've got to say it was all in all a fun time.  Olivia was gorgeous as always and I love that she is such a mommy's girl. Her gummy smile, bright blue eyes and sweet hugs are worth more to me than jewels. 

I'll try and check in tomorrow but no promises ;)


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Life is hard sometimes!

                  Dear Olivia,

                                                      Life is about hard times. And its about having joy, true joy. It took me along time to learn this lesson that life is suppose to be hard. I thought life should be easy and fun all the time. I bet most of us people think life should be easy and fun all the time. But it's not. Its about learning and growing up. It's about failures and successes. It's about happiness and sadness. Without the bad times we can never experience the good and wonderful times.

                                                     Yesterday when I was holding you and listening to my record player a scripture came to my mind. 2 Nephi 2:25, the main sentence from that verse that kept repeating in my mind and heart was, Adam fell that men might be, and men are, that they might have joy. That moment as I was holding you I felt so much joy from you. Early that day, I felt angry and stress about lots of different things. But the joy I felt for having you and your mom in my life was joy that will last forever. I have no clue where would I be without you and your mom in my life. I would not have the same joy that I felt in that moment with you listening to a record in your bed room. I would not have the same hard times with school stuff and job stuff. Life would be different without you and your mom. Life would always be missing something without you. I am glad I will never experience life without you. I need you. You help be a better person and a better father. I am so glad we have your mom in our lives. Without your mom I would not be the same person I am today.

                                                But life will be hard for you as you grow just have a good attitude and grow from the hard experiences. Make good choice to make life easier for you. You will experience joy and sadness. Be prepared for the sadness. Trials will come so you can become a stronger woman. Your mom and I love you so much. Be brave in this life. We need people to stand up for what we believe and make the correct choices in life. This world is becoming so bad but you are a daughter of God and you will be the bright light that can help people to come closer to Christ. You already helped me to come closer to Christ. 

          With Love, Your Dad

Monday, July 28, 2014

My special moment with Olivia

Olivia is growing far too fast for my taste. I love everything thing about her from her chubby little toes to her fine, ever-changing hair. She is my perfect give from Heaven. Every moment I spend with her is priceless. We wake up together, eat together, take naps together, dance together, watch tv (I know, terrible mom, but she likes it too) and more importantly talk together.
My sister Jaisha captured this moment for me tonight after Olivia had her bath and I was getting her all ready for bed. She is my little buddy, my confidant and really, my twin. I hope you can feel how much I care about my little princess from this short clip.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Dear Olivia: Breastfeeding

Dear Olivia,

Well, let me just tell you what little girl, you are the most determined and sometimes stubborn little thing I've ever met! Can't imagine where on Earth you got that from ;) ha ha! With parents like you have, you didn't stand a chance on three things: stubbornness, kindheartedness and most importantly of all: bootyliciousness. Now, I know that last one may not be an actual word, but baby girl you have a booty that is all sorts of ghetto fabulous!
Anyway, back to the title of this letter, breastfeeding. You and I have had our issues on this one. You didn't like breastfeeding at all for the first month of your life. You would scream and cry and then I would cry because I made you cry and you were just hungry and wanted things your way fast and easy. Then I would give up and pump to give you a bottle...basically a vicious circle. It makes travelling awful. But, lo and behold today you finally latched and performed beautifully! I am so proud! You are amazing and full of surprises. One thing I'm sure of, you can do anything you want as long as you get to take your time with it. Here are some pictures of this last week or so:
You are the daintiest sleeper! I love how you hold your hands. 

Today was rough. No shower for mom, you didn't take a nap all day but it was all worth it when you fell asleep on me and gave me a hug. I love you!
This was on your 1 month birthday and you were sitting on Aunt Jaisha! Your cousin Brittney gave you this outfit.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Dear Olivia: Toots

Dear Olivia,

This letter is about something adorable that you do on a regular basis. You cute little thing! So, you are a pretty dang good sleeper. You love sleeping on your tummy and especially curled up on somebody's chest. Usually mine because we are best friends and spend a lot of time together, which I love! However, you sometimes get a little gassy and when that happens, you wake yourself up and send me into a laughing fit. I haven't been able to catch it on film yet, but here is a pretty good example of what you are like:

It's little things like this that make me fall in love with you all over again. One thing though, your toots are more like an adult and anything but lady like. I can't imagine where you got those from *cough* Grandma Wilcox *cough*.

Love you,

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Dear Olivia: It is so nice to meet you.

Dear Olivia,

Since, as your mother, I am a terrible journal keeper in the traditional sense and writing individual letters would ultimately get lost before you could actually read, I'm going to write you letters here. I want you to know that I absolutely adore you. You have the sweetest personality and are so special to your father and I.
Today I wanted to show you some pictures of when we first met you! Everything about you is perfect. Yes, I know all mothers say that about their daughters but I truly mean it from the bottom of my heart. I wondered what you'd look like from the moment I found out that we were pregnant. I even dreamed about you! Nothing could have prepared me for the beauty I saw when I first laid eyes on you.
I couldn't believe how tiny your feet were.
You have a tight little grip. Your dad is so proud of that.

Your Grandma Wilcox kisses those cheeks like crazy!

 Honestly, little girl, you were beautiful from day 1 and so far you have only improved upon perfection. You are going to be one of those girls who is beautiful inside and out. I'm so proud to be your mom.
Well, there are a million pictures that I will be posting of you and experiences I'll be writing about. For now, I'm going to go and feed you because you just woke up!

Love you pretty girl,

Friday, May 16, 2014

Olivia Ephra Kelley

Monday was Olivia's 3 week birthday and since she is sleeping on my chest right now after her usual 2 o'clock feeding, I decided it is the perfect time to write about the day she came into our lives.
My last post was about the first time we thought we'd be parents and the heartbreak I felt when I was sent home from the hospital. This time started out the exact same way.
On Saturday night, April 19th, I had another gall bladder attack and was in excruciating pain yet again. I had followed a strict no-fat diet and it didn't make any difference. John and his friend gave me a blessing and I managed to get some sleep. The next morning I was getting ready for church and the same symptoms started up again. I really didn't want to go through this again without medicinal intervention, so off we went to the hospital. 
After checking in and getting medicated, my doctor decided to try and start me again and if Olivia didn't come by choice, we were going to have to take her with a C-section because my pancreas levels were extremely elevated yet again. To be honest, I was not happy. I had already been down with road and in my heart I honestly thought I'd be sent home again.
Regardless, I allowed them to start me on the pit at about 1:30 p.m. I was dilated to nearly a 2 and had to make the arduous journey to a 10 before I could greet this little girl. Well, hours came and went with John faithfully at my side except for the one moment he ran home to grab some clothes for this little girl to come home in. I was so certain they wouldn't keep me that I hadn't bothered to bring her diaper bag! Some mother, eh?
We watched t.v., talked and I listened to my music and prayed. At around 8 at night I was able to finally get my epidural. That blessed miracle. I will never understand those who go all natural after experiencing the beautiful peace that an epidural brings!
I was still only a 5 for several more hours and while I wasn't in a lot of pain, I was still very uncomfortable. What was the hold up? Why wasn't this little girl coming? Didn't she know how excited we were to meet her? Was she scared to come into this world? Can't say that I blame her. I started praying hard for my body to relax and just dilate to get her here.
I prayed for such a long time and then felt some serious discomfort at 5 a.m. I called for the nurse to help me understand why I was feeling such discomfort and she did a check to see if there had been any change. Surprisingly, she said I was at a 9 and a half and left the room to call my doctor to get there because Olivia was ready to make an appearance!
Suddenly, the room was in a frenzy. Loads of nurses started coming in, adjusting the bed, telling me to breathe, setting up equipment and ordering John to grab one of my legs because he was going to have to help me push. I was really excited, nervous and scared. This was the moment! It almost didn't feel real.
My nurse was fabulous as she coached me through with steady count downs from 10 to 1 and telling me to push, breathe, push, breathe. John held my one leg and another nurse held the other. I felt an incredibly amount of pressure and just wanted to push this little girl right out but my Doctor hadn't arrived yet. I guess the lady next door and I were neck and neck at this point, but I won in the end! My Doctor arrived, sat down, told me to push three more times and then all of  a sudden I felt this intense falling sensation and the most beautiful little girl came into view.
She was crying, gray and unfortunately bloody but she was mine. John cut the umbilical cord, the nurses grabbed her and put her on my chest and I stared in awe at this beautiful little creature who I felt so much love for. She was mine. I had talked to her, felt her kick, wondered about her and finally here she was in my arms. I was overwhelmed and so happy to finally have met her.
Olivia was born at 6:28 a.m. on April 21st.and weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz and was 19 inches long. She is perfect.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Labor: Take 1.

Good Morning!
I thought I'd take a minute and update you on what happened. If you are my Facebook friend, this is all old news so feel free to skip over the following...or not!

My story begins like so: Monday night I woke up from a nap with terrible upper back pain. It felt like there was something blocking me from the inside. Almost like when you dry swallow a pill and it just hurts going down, you know? This had happened before, about two weeks prior and again I was woken up from my sleep with this pain that I couldn't get to go away. That time it had gotten so bad I threw up everywhere. Embarrassing, I know, but it is what it is. I got some great "mommy, I don't feel good...*puke*" experience. After the projectile episode was done, I felt fine and was able to go back to sleep.
But moving on to what happened this time...I decided that if it worked once, maybe letting everything go was the solution again. I was wrong. I hurt and it wasn't going away no matter how I sat and for sure not if I laid down. I called the hospital and the on-call doctor told me to take some Tylenol and use a heat pad for 40 minutes and then call back if the pain didn't at least start to go away. John was the sweetest and got me everything I needed before he went to work but after he was gone, I was on my own. The pain was still there, but it wasn't as bad so I decided to sleep in my recliner. At about 12:30, the pain was back and in full force but moving towards my lungs and upper abdomen making it really hard to breathe. I called the doctor back and he said to come in.
Luckily, my brother Jarom was in town and was kind enough to drive me to the hospital. When we got there, they took some tests and propped me up to make me comfortable. The pain started moving down my right side and then it was gone. We waited for about 3 hours until the tests came back and they showed that my pancreas had an unusual amount of enzymes, over 3,000. Normal is between 10 and 140. This was pretty worrisome and they thought, due to my history with cancer and since a couple members of my family have died from pancreatic cancer, that I had cancer again. So, I called John and had him come from work and stay with me since Jarom had more than fulfilled his brotherly duty...he's the best :).
When John got there, they took me for x-rays. They didn't see anything particularly wrong with my pancreas but they did see a lot of gallstones in my gallbladder. There wasn't one blocking my pancreas but just to be safe, they wanted to get Olivia (my baby) out of her comfy spot in my uterus  as soon as possible. 

Me during a very long labor.
I was scared and so excited at the same time! I was going to see my baby girl early! They started getting me prepped and I'll spare you all the gory details, but I will tell you how awesome it was to have my husband John, my mom and my dad there with me through this. Also, my two incredible friends Ally and Holly cleaned my house, brought my makeup and even washed some of Olivia's clothes so we would have the cutest outfits to put her into! I had the best support team. 
I was on the pit for 20'ish hours and had contractions but nothing else. This little stubborn thing just didn't want to come join the rest of us!
 They took more blood tests and my enzyme count was back to normal after awhile and they determined that it wasn't cancer after all but just gallstones. My gallbladder has to come out after I deliver but since neither she nor I are in any immediate danger, they sent me home to wait until she is ready to come out. I was incredibly sad about this...mostly hormones I assume, but still. I had been so looking forward to meeting this little miracle and now I'd have to wait again. Even so, I'm very glad everything is ok and I can wait.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Chanel perfume on a Spring Day...

 Coco Chanel Perfume…I've missed being able to wear this. Since being pregnant, my tolerance of smells has been anything but forgiving. I used to love perfume and would wear so many different types, but now I’m limited to mostly deodorant or light rose scents. That being said, today I was getting ready for work and saw my old bottle of Coco Chanel Mademoiselle that John had bought me nearly 2 years ago. It seems crazy that it’s been so long since we were dating and falling in love in Salt Lake City. This particular bottle of perfume has profound value to me because it was the day I knew John was the one for me.
The story goes like this. John and I had been dating regularly and been having a great time. I loved him, but still was hesitant to fully give my whole heart to him. Past heartbreaks have a way of making you wary. City Creek Mall had just opened up and John took me on a little day date to see this feat of architecture and couture. The first place we stopped was Macy’s and John, impish smile intact, promptly took me to the perfume counter and said, “Ok, pick one!” I just looked at him like ‘you've got to be kidding me!’ No one I have ever dated has done anything like this before. I asked him again and again if he was sure; to which he just smiled and said yes. I looked at every single bottle (none of them cheap by the way) asking him which one he liked, telling him how much fun it would be to work with perfumes and just being the happiest girl alive.

I finally settled on this beautiful bottle of Chanel:

I couldn't believe how special John made me feel. I had mentioned how much I loved perfume and he remembered. But not only remembered, made my day extra special. Here we are married and it’s been nearly two years since that day and he hasn't changed a bit. Even the small, ordinary things he makes special. He treats me like I’m something to be treasured and I’m so lucky to have him be the father of my daughter. Just wait Olivia, your childhood is going to be fantastic.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Playing Catch Up

Ok, my New Year’s resolution is to keep this thing updated at least once a week! I am so sorry for not posting in such a long time. A lot has happened to us since we left off. I’ll do a list for you here instead of going into detail:

  • We got pregnant! Olivia Ephra Kelley is due on May 1st and we are so excited.
  • We moved…across the street. After tripping down those dang stairs one too many times, we decided maybe a 1 level is for us and it has proven to be an excellent decision. 
  •  John has switched majors and we are both very happy with his decision.
  • We got rid of Oliver, our one time guinea pig. Pets are for people who a-have time, b-have money and c-have their own homes. His new residence is with our friends and their two boys love him.
  •  I am cancer free for almost 1 whole year! I feel immensely fortunate and so much more at ease.
  • We got another car! Denise sold her “green machine” to my brother Kambren who in turn sold it to us. Blessings just keep pouring in.

This should sum everything up. I’m sure there are more updates and I’ll try to remember them as we go along, but for right now this catches you up.

How have you all been?