Friday, October 24, 2014

Enough with the "catch ups"

All right, I totally and completely admit to not updating this nearly as often as I need to or want to, but at the rate I'm going every post would be titled "Catching Up" and that is just sad. So, let me tell you about what happened today in the life of his full time mom:

  • John got home from work this morning and was greeted by sleepy smiles by his girls, aka Olivia and I.
  • Olivia threw up on me and was extra cuddly. She didn't cry or act sick afterwards so I'm guessing she just overate. 
  • After perusing an article about the benefits of drinking water and as I work from home both as mommy and online, there really is no excuse for me not to load up on it and hopefully improve my skin and overall health.  So far I am 4 cups away from a full gallon and I've gone to the bathroom an insane amount of times.  
  • Olivia ate, slept, ate, slept and smiled while we "snap'd" our favorite people.
  • John was sweet enough to wake up at 3:00 and let me work.
  • Olivia and I rocked dinner time and cooked together in the kitchen.
  • After John and I ate Olivia was super hungry so she  snacked on a banana and then it was cuddle time with mommy and daddy while she ate so I was in a snuggle sandwich.
  • I froze 6 meals worth of homemade chili, prepped tomorrow's salad and now I'm writing in this blog while my amazing husband and beautiful daughter sleep.
Now, this is a highlight reel of our day not a play by play but I've got to say it was all in all a fun time.  Olivia was gorgeous as always and I love that she is such a mommy's girl. Her gummy smile, bright blue eyes and sweet hugs are worth more to me than jewels. 

I'll try and check in tomorrow but no promises ;)


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Life is hard sometimes!

                  Dear Olivia,

                                                      Life is about hard times. And its about having joy, true joy. It took me along time to learn this lesson that life is suppose to be hard. I thought life should be easy and fun all the time. I bet most of us people think life should be easy and fun all the time. But it's not. Its about learning and growing up. It's about failures and successes. It's about happiness and sadness. Without the bad times we can never experience the good and wonderful times.

                                                     Yesterday when I was holding you and listening to my record player a scripture came to my mind. 2 Nephi 2:25, the main sentence from that verse that kept repeating in my mind and heart was, Adam fell that men might be, and men are, that they might have joy. That moment as I was holding you I felt so much joy from you. Early that day, I felt angry and stress about lots of different things. But the joy I felt for having you and your mom in my life was joy that will last forever. I have no clue where would I be without you and your mom in my life. I would not have the same joy that I felt in that moment with you listening to a record in your bed room. I would not have the same hard times with school stuff and job stuff. Life would be different without you and your mom. Life would always be missing something without you. I am glad I will never experience life without you. I need you. You help be a better person and a better father. I am so glad we have your mom in our lives. Without your mom I would not be the same person I am today.

                                                But life will be hard for you as you grow just have a good attitude and grow from the hard experiences. Make good choice to make life easier for you. You will experience joy and sadness. Be prepared for the sadness. Trials will come so you can become a stronger woman. Your mom and I love you so much. Be brave in this life. We need people to stand up for what we believe and make the correct choices in life. This world is becoming so bad but you are a daughter of God and you will be the bright light that can help people to come closer to Christ. You already helped me to come closer to Christ. 

          With Love, Your Dad