Friday, April 5, 2013

Blazzin' Challenge

A lot of things can make a person happy after a long day. Retail therapy, getting a massage, venting to a friend or even just taking a walk. Well, for Mr. Kelley, what makes him happy is food and food challenges! Last night we had to drop off our brand new car at the dealership to have the crankshaft point sensor replaced (thank goodness for warranties) and pick up our rental.
For those of you who have followed along our journey, we haven’t had the best luck with cars but I honestly feel like life is going to slow down and be a little nicer to us from now on. Just me but I really do think it’s going to happen. Is this the talk of a woman who has reached her breaking point and has finally drifted off into madness? No, this is a woman who has finally gotten her anxiety under control and can see clearly now the fog of dread has dispersed.
So, after dropping off our car and heading home, Mr. Kelley was feeling really frustrated and I wanted to ease his suffering so I took him to Buffalo Wild Wings for the Blazin’ Challenge!

12 super hot, super drenched-in-fire-sauce wings in under 6 minutes. He’s got this.

The first thing we had to do was sign a waiver that told him that the restaurant and its subsidiaries, etc, were not held accountable for sickness or death and basically you are on your own if you try this. Comforting. But, John’s blue eyes sparkled with Irish mischief and I knew he’d be fine. 

Once the waiver was signed, 2 waitresses and a waiter walked out caring a flashing red light and the platter of hot wings to a roaring crowd. It was a bigger deal than I had imagined that’s for sure.  The crowd cheered as the waitress put the wings in front of John and started counting down, 5..4..3..2..1!! 

John dug right in, licking every wing dry and didn't even seemed phased by the sauce that has caused lesser men to cry. The restaurant was cheering and while filming, kept shouting his name. I was so proud of him

1 minute passed and so did 3 wings. Still trucking along, John kept a solid pace. 2 minutes, 3 minutes and finally 4 minutes passed and all but three of those fiery wings had found a new home in John’s belly. At 5 minutes he was making his final chews and proving he had indeed devoured everything set before him with no water, no wiping and leaking eyes as the sauce finally got to him.

5 minutes and 11 seconds and John has a free shirt and a title claimed!

So, even though the day was rough, life has been hard, we are happy and finding joy in our journey.

Love you John.

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