Friday, March 15, 2013

Old blog post from December 12th

I came across an entry that I had written months ago and thought it was worth sharing still :). This was right after my car crash and I was starting to feel more myself.

"Welcome to December…12 days ago.
We are freezin’ up here in Logan and loving it! After my nasty car crash, going places has been a chore. Poor John has been so patient with me. I’m a nervous wreck in the car! Doesn’t help that Logan-ites drive like wild banshees in a Nascar bumper car race. Nice image right?
Luckily as time has gone one and my amazing chiropractor and massage therapist have worked me over, my paranoia has gone down and my love for driving has kicked in! I drove for the first time on Monday. 
I felt pretty awesome!"

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