Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Chanel perfume on a Spring Day...

 Coco Chanel Perfume…I've missed being able to wear this. Since being pregnant, my tolerance of smells has been anything but forgiving. I used to love perfume and would wear so many different types, but now I’m limited to mostly deodorant or light rose scents. That being said, today I was getting ready for work and saw my old bottle of Coco Chanel Mademoiselle that John had bought me nearly 2 years ago. It seems crazy that it’s been so long since we were dating and falling in love in Salt Lake City. This particular bottle of perfume has profound value to me because it was the day I knew John was the one for me.
The story goes like this. John and I had been dating regularly and been having a great time. I loved him, but still was hesitant to fully give my whole heart to him. Past heartbreaks have a way of making you wary. City Creek Mall had just opened up and John took me on a little day date to see this feat of architecture and couture. The first place we stopped was Macy’s and John, impish smile intact, promptly took me to the perfume counter and said, “Ok, pick one!” I just looked at him like ‘you've got to be kidding me!’ No one I have ever dated has done anything like this before. I asked him again and again if he was sure; to which he just smiled and said yes. I looked at every single bottle (none of them cheap by the way) asking him which one he liked, telling him how much fun it would be to work with perfumes and just being the happiest girl alive.

I finally settled on this beautiful bottle of Chanel:

I couldn't believe how special John made me feel. I had mentioned how much I loved perfume and he remembered. But not only remembered, made my day extra special. Here we are married and it’s been nearly two years since that day and he hasn't changed a bit. Even the small, ordinary things he makes special. He treats me like I’m something to be treasured and I’m so lucky to have him be the father of my daughter. Just wait Olivia, your childhood is going to be fantastic.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Playing Catch Up

Ok, my New Year’s resolution is to keep this thing updated at least once a week! I am so sorry for not posting in such a long time. A lot has happened to us since we left off. I’ll do a list for you here instead of going into detail:

  • We got pregnant! Olivia Ephra Kelley is due on May 1st and we are so excited.
  • We moved…across the street. After tripping down those dang stairs one too many times, we decided maybe a 1 level is for us and it has proven to be an excellent decision. 
  •  John has switched majors and we are both very happy with his decision.
  • We got rid of Oliver, our one time guinea pig. Pets are for people who a-have time, b-have money and c-have their own homes. His new residence is with our friends and their two boys love him.
  •  I am cancer free for almost 1 whole year! I feel immensely fortunate and so much more at ease.
  • We got another car! Denise sold her “green machine” to my brother Kambren who in turn sold it to us. Blessings just keep pouring in.

This should sum everything up. I’m sure there are more updates and I’ll try to remember them as we go along, but for right now this catches you up.

How have you all been?