Monday, March 18, 2013

The Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie

I suck at making cookies. It’s true. Don’t let the gorgeous cakes and the moist, delicious cupcakes fool you, I have no talent in cookies. Although, in High School I thought I was the “Cookie Queen” because I made these gigantic chocolate chip cookies for my family that tasted alright, but looking back they weren’t all that great. My mom was so very gracious and supportive as always and convinced me that they were delicious, but a little big. One cookie could very well feed 2 people easily.
So, I was living in this oblivion until I tried to make chocolate chip cookies for John and I. Turns out, the dough may taste incredible, but the cookies never came to the perfect morsel of sweet escape that I was hoping for.
Undeterred, I’d decided this Sunday was to be the day of all days! I was going to make the perfect chocolate chip cookie!
My quest started with this exact Google search: “perfect chocolate chip cookie”. This is what I found:

Now, this was more involved than I had originally hoped for. I didn’t normally use different bowls for my ingredients, mixing dry and wet at the end verses when I so pleased. Neither did I mix the chocolate chip cookies in with my sugars, vanilla and egg, but lo and behold it makes SUCH a difference! Also, for some reason, chilling the dough for 30 minutes before cooking actually works. Mind=blown.
The only thing is, I live in Logan Utah. Cooking anything sweet at 375 degrees is suicide. So, if you live here to, knock that down to 350 for only 11 minutes and then let he cookies sit on the pan for a minute or two before transferring them on to a cookie sheet.

Voila! The perfect cookie. 

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