Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Gallon Water Challenge

I read this article about drinking one gallon of water a day to lose weight and make your body more healthy. At first I thought this will be so easy! I mean, I work at home, I'm a stay at home mom, it's perfect, right?  Wrong. It's another one of those fads that simply is not right for everyone. I agree with the fact that drinking a lot of water is good for you. I think it's 8 cups a day is the recommended amount? Also, I do know that drinking water right when you wake up is great for getting your body moving both inside and out. However, drinking that much water for me ended up in a couple unfortunate circumstances. Now, no laughing, got it?

Number one: I drank the amount of water as evenly throughout the day as possible. I'm not perfect and so I had to drink a little more towards the evening. I didn't drink right before bed and in fact I relieved myself before bed. Unfortunately, my body just didn't like the change and I had one of those terrible dreams where you are peeing in the dream and it feels just a little too real? Yeah, I woke up in a puddle. Mortifying!

Number two: since having my daughter 6 months ago my ability to "hold it in" has drastically decreased. I can't. Literally. So, as a mom of a pretty busy and fantastic baby, getting to the bathroom right when I have to go doesn't always work and I didn't make it more than once. 

The moral of my story? Ease into something like those big challenges if you are to do them at all. I have taken it down to 1/2 a gallon everyday and I feel great with no "accidents".  My 4 year old self would be so proud.